Elisa Sednaoui è una delle modelle più richieste nel mondo della moda. Bellezza made in Italy, ha debuttato nel 2008 sulle passerelle di Dolce & Gabbana, non si è più fermata: ha infatti preso parte in molti servizi fotografici, nel calendario Pirelli 2011 ed è stata testimonial di importanti griffe: Emilio Pucci, Giorgio Armani e H&M. Cosmopolita e globetrotter, ha vissuto in Egitto e ha origini siriane. E' amante d'arte ( Andy Wahrol e Alexander Calder ) e di musica soul. Una delle passioni più grandi è quella per le scarpe. Rigorosamente Christian Louboutin. Lo stilista francese è anche suo padrino.
Nell'aprile 2011 ha debuttato anche nel cinema con due film: Bus Palladium e Indigène d'Eurasie.
Ecco la gallery di Elisa Sednaoui.
"I started modeling when I was 14, but for me was very important to finish school. And I did, it with a very good degree".

Elisa Sednaoui, italian beauty is one of rising models of the moment. She began modeling in 2006 when she relocated again to New York. It was there that the she signed with One Model Management.
Soon after Elisa appeared in H&M and Coach. She also started acting and made her first debut on screen in Neither Before Nor After. Elisa has since gone on to model for Victoria’s Secret and has graced the cover of French L’Officiel.
She is currently living in New York and has a fragrance contract with Diesel’s Fuel for Life.
Lover of art, her favourite artists are Andy Wahrol and Alexander Calder. She loves Christian Louboutin's shoes. The famous designer is also her godfather.
"I don't want to know what the future will be. I want to live it."
"French are a bit difficult sometimes, they like to say no as an answer for everything, then you can try to convince them if you know the way. But I love them, and I'm half-french, so I take responsability for that"
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